The Faculty of Commerce, Benha University, works hard to become one of the leading faculties in the commercial fields in the Middle East region in general...


The Faculty of Commerce, Benha University, provides its students with the necessary education to create a generation of highly qualified individuals with a sense of social...


Providing a distinguished graduate who has the ability to cope with the changing needs of the local and foreign labor market - Providing opportunities for continuing...


Dr\ Khalid Abd El Ghaffar appoints Eight General Managers at Benha University

Dr\ Khalid Abd El Ghaffar, minister of High Education and Scientific Research has issued a decree to appoint eight general managers at Benha University. The decree was issued in presence of Dr\ Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President and included the following;  

         Mr\Ramadan Ali Mousse was appointed as the general manager for Accounts and Budget, Mr\Mustafa Abd El Rahman Abu El Dahab was appointed as the general secretary for faculty of Commerce.

         Mr\ Wael Fouad was appointed as the general manager for Secretariat of the University Councils, Mrs\ Nermin Yehia Abd El Rahman was appointed as the general manager for Administrative Affairs.

         Mr\Raffat Abd El Aziz was appointed as the general manager for Post Graduate Studies and Researches, Mr\ Ahmed Ragab Afify was appointed as the general manager for Scientific and Cultural Relations, Mrs\ Manal Farouk Tawfik was appointed as the general manager for Engineering Affairs and Mr\Magdy Ali Lashin was appointed as the general manger for Faculty Members staff affairs.

Benha University Council approves to form The University Awards Committee

         Benha University Council approved in its last session that was held under presidency of Dr\ Gamal El Saeed , Benha University President and Prof.Dr\ Hussein El Maghraby, the University Vice-president for Education and Students ' affairs and deans of faculties to from the University Awards Committee. The committee includes Dr\ Adel Adawy, Dr\ Maher Hassab El Naby Khalil, Dr\ Ahmed Soliman Hazin, Dr\ Alaa El Sayed Amin, and Dr\ Ashraf Tawfik Shams El Din. On the other hand, Dr\ Nasser El Gezawy said that the committee is going to apply applicants for awards from October till the end of December every year.

Establishment the First Technology Transfer and Innovation Company in Benha University

     Benha University Council in its session that was held under presidency of Dr\ Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President , Prof.Dr\ Hussein El Maghraby, the University Vice-president for Education and Students ' affairs , faculties' deans and other members of the council have approved to form a committee to study establishing the first technology transfer and innovation company in Benha University. El Saeed confirmed that the company will be subjected to the new investment law. On the other hand, the committee will be under presidency of Faculty of Engineering dean, Faculty of Commerce dean, Faculty of Applied Arts dean and Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence.

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