The Faculty of Commerce, Benha University, works hard to become one of the leading faculties in the commercial fields in the Middle East region in general...


The Faculty of Commerce, Benha University, provides its students with the necessary education to create a generation of highly qualified individuals with a sense of social...


Providing a distinguished graduate who has the ability to cope with the changing needs of the local and foreign labor market - Providing opportunities for continuing...


Dr\ Gamal El Saeed inspects Exams' halls –Labs- Workshops' halls

 Dr \ Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President inspected playgrounds of Physical Education Faculty at Kasr Saad and maintenance works at Faculty of Computer and Artificial Intelligence. During his visit, El Saeed confirmed on safety rules and presence of fire extinguishers to avoid any emergency. He also inspected labs, exams' halls and workshops and assured on providing all means of comfort and care to students.                                                                                                    

New Appointments for Deputies at Faculties

         Dr\ Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President has issued several decrees to appoint deputies and departments' heads at faculties. The decrees were as following; Dr\ Araby Abd El Aziz El Tukhy was appointed as Faculty of Arts deputy for Community Service and Environment development affairs, Dr\ Mervat Mahdy Ramadan was appointed as the head of Statistics and mathematics department at Faculty of Commerce and Dr\ Samy Mohammed Ahmed was appointed as the head of Accounting department at Faculty of Commerce. The University president hopes for all of thembestwishes and great succes their new positions.                                                                                                          

Appointment of Mustafa Rashid El Abady at the Deanship of Commerce Faculty

Dr\ Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President has announced the presidential decree about appointing Dr\ Mustafa Rashid El Abady as the dean of Commerce Faculty. The University President congratulated Dr\ Mustafa Rashid for his new position and hoped best wishes and great success for him. El Saeed also thanked Dr\ Mohammed Saeed Basyouny for his great efforts during his period as acting dean.                                                                                                                           

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