The Faculty of Commerce, Benha University, works hard to become one of the leading faculties in the commercial fields in the Middle East region in general...


The Faculty of Commerce, Benha University, provides its students with the necessary education to create a generation of highly qualified individuals with a sense of social...


Providing a distinguished graduate who has the ability to cope with the changing needs of the local and foreign labor market - Providing opportunities for continuing...


The Faculties of Education and Nursing start the Postgraduate Studies Exams

The exams of postgraduate studies started last Saturday at the faculties of education and nursing in the light of the preventive and precautionary measures to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus (Covid19) Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches ' Affairs said that all the preventive and precautionary measures have been taken to ensure the safety of the students and staff

Research Study at Benha University on "Pervious Concrete as a New Solution for Paving"

Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches ' Affairs announced for the success of a research team from the faculty of engineering at Shubra in designing various concrete elements to make pervious concrete used in road works to protect it from liquids, especially rainwater pools Prof. Dr. Taha Awadallah, the assistant professor at the faculty and the principal researcher of the study said that A patent application has been presented to the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology. He also added that the research will be published in the specified scientific journals

El Gizawy inspects the Postgraduate Studies Exams

Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches ' Affairs has inspected the postgraduate studies exams at the faculty of education in the presence of Dr. Eman Abdel Haq, the faculty dean and vice-deans El Gizawy said that tour comes in the frame of reassuring the conduct of exams and the University precautionary measures to limit the spread of novel Corona Virus "Covid-19" On the other hand, El Gizawy also has inspected the postgraduate studies exams at the faculty of nursing and praised the faculty preparations for the exams

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