The Faculty of Commerce, Benha University, works hard to become one of the leading faculties in the commercial fields in the Middle East region in general...


The Faculty of Commerce, Benha University, provides its students with the necessary education to create a generation of highly qualified individuals with a sense of social...


Providing a distinguished graduate who has the ability to cope with the changing needs of the local and foreign labor market - Providing opportunities for continuing...


Final list of Candidates for Faculty of Agriculture Deanship

Prof.Dr.Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President and the head of Leaders Selection Committee announced that the final list of candidates for faculty of Agriculture deanship after closing appeals door is as following;
Prof.Dr.Haitham Mohamed Shehata Salim
Prof.Dr. Rashid Abd El Fattah Mohamed Zaghloul
Prof.Dr.Ehab Mohamed Farid Abd El Samee
Prof.Dr.Lotfy Abd El Fattah Abd El Rahman Badr
Prof.Dr.Mahmoud El Zablawy Mahmoud
Prof.Dr.Anwar Osman Gomaa Hassan
Prof.Dr.Mahran Mokhtar Mohamed Ashry
Prof.Dr.Mohamed Eid AbdAllah
Prof.Dr.Taha Hassan Mokhtar

BU President honors the Winners at Student Union Elections

Benha University President honored the student Mohamed Refaee, Benha University Student Union President and the student Hager Garwany , the Vice President of Student Union after their winning of the Student Union Elections 2020. The meeting was held in presence of Prof. Gamal El Saeed who hoped for them best wishes and great success, Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students` Affairs and Prof. Nasser El Gizawy, the University Vice-president for Postgraduate Studies and Researches ' Affairs

Samir inspects Students' Nominations for Union Elections at Specific Education Faculty

Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students` Affairs inspected opening the door of nominations for student union elections 20202021 at Faculty of Specific Education. Prof.Tamer Samir was accompanied by Dr. Mohamed Ebrahim, the Faculty dean and Dr. Kahlid Esawy, the general coordinator for student activities. Dr. Tamer Samir assured that Benha University and its faculties have been fully prepared to hold student elections in complete integrity and transparency and he assured to take all precautions against Covid 19.

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