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Faculty of Commerce

Important Announcement for Youth Care at Faculty of Commerce

Sport committee at Youth Care Department announces about contests of individual sports at Table tennis, athletics, Taekwondo, Judo, Wrestling and Karate. All the activities will be held at the indoor hall of Benha Sport Stadium......more


Youth Care Plans in the 2nd Semester

Youth care plans in the 2nd semester for the academic year 2012 ( social committee- cultural committee- scientific committee – art committee- sport committee- scouting- family committee).....more  


Important Announcement for Youth Care

The general administration of Youth care announces about a contest of Arabic calligraphy on the level of the University and it is going to start from 18 to 19 \10\2011 at 10:00Am.  


Important Announcement

 Art committee at Faculty of Commerce, Banha University announces about starting art activity for the academic year 2011\2012 in the following activities; theatre, singing, playing music, music, carving, painting and crafts. Any one wants to subscribe should register his name at the Committee, with our best wishes for all subscribers. 


Achievements Youth Care

Youth care department thanks all students who shared in its activities which are as following;

1- Sport committee.

2- Scouting and Public service committee.

3- Cultural committee.....more

4- Social and trips committee.

5- Groups committee.

6- Scientific committee.

7- Art committee.

The art committee hopes for all students' best wishes and success......more


Sport Committee

Hand ball team at faculty of Commerce won the first place for the academic year 2010\2010.....more


Sports News at Sport Committee

Football team won the first place for the academic year 2010\2011........more


Sport Committee and Youth Care News

 List of subscribers' students at Volley ball league for the academic year 2010\2011for more details click here.........more


Youth Care News

Sport Committee at faculty of Commerce, Banha University obtained the 3rd place and this is the list of students' names who subscribed in basketball league for the academic year 2010\2011........more


Special News for Youth Care Students

Statement of students' names who have activities in the scientific committee and the committee supervisors Mr. Hany Mohammad and Eman Hashim.........more


Names of Coral Team

A List of the coral team names at the art committee of the Faculty........more


Names of Winners at Chess Contest

Youth care department at faculty of Commerce; Banha University announced that the ideal student on the level of the Faculty is the student \ Magid Mohammad Hefny, the 4th year, English division and also Israa Adel Abd El Fattah, the student at the 3rd year.......more


Contest of Researches by Youth Care Department

Youth Care Department at faculty of Commerce announces about a contest of researches supported by students' activities project, the last date for introducing these researches on Tuesday, 1\11\2011. The research should include a copy of research and Cd copy. For more details about conditions, click here......more


Important Announcement of Youth Care Department

Youth Care Department at faculty of Commerce announces about a contest of researches which sent to the department from students' activities project and the conditions as following.....more


Important Announcement

The Scientific Committee announces about starting its students' activity for the new academic year and it welcomes of all the new students at the Faculty and also congratulates the old students and hopes for them best wishes and success and it invites them to participate in all activities of the scientific committee.With our best wishes Mr. Hanim Mohammad El Sayed and Mr. Eman El Sayed Hashim. 



Social and trips committee congratulates all new students and hopes for them success in the following years and also congratulates old students of their success and hopes for them best wishes.


Important Announcement

Youth Care department at faculty of Commerce announces about accepting a new patch of cash benefits for poor students according to the following conditions; the student should be succeeded and registered in the regular system only. Family income shouldn't exceed 600 LE and the required details at the benefit form, with our best wishes. 


Important Announcement for Youth Care at Faculty of Commerce

Sport committee at Youth Care Department announces about contests of individual sports at Table tennis, athletics, Taekwondo, Judo, Wrestling and Karate. All the activities will be held at the indoor hall of Benha Sport Stadium......more
